Grant-Project Prevent Grant (P2)

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The purpose of the P2 grant is to enable school districts like PUSD to increase their capacity to identify, assess, and serve students exposed to pervasive violence, helping school district’s to offer affected students mental health services for trauma or anxiety; support conflict resolution programs; and implement other school–based violence prevention strategies in order to reduce the likelihood that these students will later commit violent acts.


Children’s exposure to violence, whether as victims or witnesses, is often associated with long-term physical, psychological, and emotional harms.  These harms include, among others, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic disorders; failing or having difficulty in school; and delinquency or criminal behavior, including violent acts.


Our P2 program will expand the capacity of PUSD to more effectively assist all schools within the district and the community that we serve to break the cycle of violence by better meeting the needs of affected students.


Project activities include:
1) increasing access to school-based counseling services to address trauma and/or anxiety;
2) enhancing school-based social and emotional supports for students to help address the effects of     violence;
3) providing conflict resolution and mentoring services to targeted students to prevent future     violence; and
4) activities designed to promote a safer and improved school environment, which include activities designed to decrease the incidence of harassment, bullying, fighting, gang participation, sexual assault, and substance abuse.


Our P2 grant program includes evidence-based interventions that are likely to improve student academic performance and better prepare students for employment, responsible citizenship, and fulfilling lives. This grant will allow us to foster knowledge and promote the development of skills that prepare students to be informed, thoughtful, and productive individuals and citizens.




 The P2 grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
 Award: $4,213,608
 Term: October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2025