Grant-PROP 47

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The purpose of the Prop 47 grant, pursuant to Proposition 47, is to provide mental health services, substance use disorder treatment and diversion programs for people in the criminal justice system. The grant program may also provideprog housing-related assistance and other community-based supportive services, including job skills training, case management and civil legal services. The grant can fund programs that serve adults and/or juveniles.


Language from the legislation: The people enacted the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act to ensure that prison spending is focused on violence and serious offenses, to maximize alternatives for non-serious, nonviolent crime, and to invest the savings generated from this act into prevention and support programs in K-12 schools, victim services, and mental health and drug treatment.  BSCC’s responsibilities are to: administer a grant program to public agencies aimed at supporting mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and diversion programs for people in the criminal justice system, with an emphasis on programs that reduce recidivism of people convicted of less serious crimes, such as those covered by this measure, and those who have substance abuse and mental health problems. Assembly Bill 1056 added additional priorities to the grant program including housing-related assistance and community-based supportive services such as job skills training, case management and civil legal services.


Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) is utilizing grant funds for our Pasadena Intervention and Directional Alternatives (PIDA) Prop 47 grant program to expand capacity to effectively meet the needs of juveniles in the criminal justice system.  Grant funds support mental health services; substance use disorder treatment; diversion programs that include mentoring, case management, and alternatives to adjudication through the juvenile court system; supportive services for foster and homeless youth, which include transitional housing; job skills training, certification and placement; and evidence-based curriculum Why Try? and Aggression Replacement Training.



The Prop 47 grant is is funded by the state of California, Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC).
Award: $999,528
Term: August 15, 2019 – May 15, 2023. Operation period: January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2022.