P2-Aggression Replacement Training (ART)

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Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
Under Prop 47 we are implementing the evidence-based curricula and interventions Aggression Replacement Training, Why Try?, and CBT. These interventions are provided to our target population by existing PUSD staff members and the mental health providers contracted with Prop 47 grant funds.
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is a cognitive behavioral intervention program to help children and adolescents improve social skill competence and moral reasoning, better manage anger, and reduce aggressive behavior. ART specifically targets chronically aggressive children and adolescents. ART will be provided to students who have been identified as chronically aggressive, including students who are involved with a gang; students on probation or at-risk for probation; and students who have been suspended for violent behavior. ART is designed to be provided as a group treatment.